EXW(Ex Works):
The Seller's only responsibility is to make the goods available at the Seller's premises. The Buyer bears full costs and risks of moving the goods from there to destination.
FCA(Free Carrier):
The Seller delivers the goods, cleared for export, to the carrier selected by the Buyer. The Seller loads the goods if the carrier pickup is at the Seller's premises.
From that point, the Buyer bears the costs and risks of moving the goods to destination.
FAS(Free Alongside Ship):
The Seller delivers the goods to the origin port. From that point, the Buyer bears
all costs and risks of loss or damage.
FOB(Free On Board):
The Seller delivers the goods on board the ship and clears the goods for export.
From that point, the Buyer bears all costs and risks of loss or damage.
CFR(Cost and Freight):
The Seller clears the goods for export and pays the costs of moving the goods to
destination. The Buyer bears all risks of loss or damage.
CIF(Cost, Insurance and Freight)
The Seller clears the goods for export and pays the costs of moving the goods to
the port of destination. The Buyer bears all risks of loss or damage. The Seller,
however, purchases the cargo insurance.
CPT(Carriage Paid To):
The Seller pays for moving the goods to destination. From the time the goods are transferred to the first carrier, the Buyer bears the risks of loss or damage.
CIP(Carriage and Insurance Paid To):
The Seller pays for moving the goods to destination. From the time the goods are
transferred to the first carrier, the Buyer bears the risks of loss or damage. The
Seller, however, purchases the cargo insurance.
因此,由賣方訂立保險合同並支付保險費。 買方應注意到,CIP術語只要求賣方投保最低限度的保險險別。如買方需要更高的保險險別,則需要與賣方明確地達成協定,或者自行作出額外的保險安排。 “承運人”指任何人在運輸合同中,承諾通過鐵路、公路、空運、海運、內河運輸或上述運輸的聯合方式履行運輸或由他人履行運輸。 如果還使用接運的承運人將貨物運至約定目的地,則風險自貨物交給第一承運人時轉移。
DAT(Delivered At Terminal):
The Seller delivers when the goods, once unloaded from the arriving means of
transport, are placed at the Buyer's disposal at a named terminal at the named
port or place of destination. "Terminal" includes any place, whether covered or
not, such as a quay, warehouse, container yard or road, rail or air cargo terminal.
The Seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to and unloading them at
the terminal at the named port or place of destination.
終站交貨條件)為新版國貿條規新訂條件,其定義為:指在目的港或目的地(進口地)之指定終站(named terminal),將已運送抵達此指定地點,並從承運之運送工具上完成卸載(once unloaded),但尚未辦妥輸入通關之貨物,交付買方處置時,即視為賣方交貨。
DAP(Delivered At Place):
The Seller delivers when the goods are placed at the Buyer's disposal on the arriving means of transport ready for unloading at the names place of destination. The Seller bears all risks involved in bringing the goods to the named place.
目的地交貨條件(……指定目的地)相當於Incoterms 2000之DDU條件,其定義為:指在指定目的地(進口地),將已運送抵達此目的地,但尚未從承運之運送工具上卸下(not unloading)之貨物(DAP使用”ready for unloading”),交付買方處置時,即視為賣方交貨。
DDP(Delivered Duty Paid):
The Seller delivers the goods -cleared for import - to the Buyer at destination.
The Seller bears all costs and risks of moving the goods to destination, including
the payment of Customs duties and taxes.